Livia wasn’t quite sure what to expect when she arrived at the villa for the photoshoot, other than she'd been told it would be a class for aspiring glamour photographers. All of the men seemed very nice, but she could tell that most of them had never seen a model before!
The guy who had booked Livia assured her that it would be very informal.
"It'll be just like a party, but with cameras!"
She was handed a tiny mesh swimsuit and a pair of high heels. It didn't take long to get ready and she was led out to the gate to the street. The photographers all lined up in front of her, feverishly snapping away. As they moved locations around the villa's garden, Livia realised she was going to have to be the one to liven things up. She reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of Cava and got the party started!