The Secret Garden

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The Main Event

3:46 widescreen film & 3:35 portrait film
Product Details

The bachelor party was going well. They'd rented a cabin for a long weekend, far enough away from any neighbours who might complain about their noisy and outrageous behaviour. Their Saturday night out in the nearby town had been good fun, with plenty of beers and shots to accompany the food. But they were keen to get back as the best man had been promising them that tonight would be the highlight of their two days of debauchery.
Finally back at the cabin, they began to look forward to the mystery being revealed. As the best man cleared the furniture and set up the light machine, he told them to get their camera phones out.
"Get ready for The Main Event lads", he said, as he cranked the rock music up to eleven...

Price incl. VAT (20%) £1.67
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The Main Event